
منظار القناة العصبية العجزي لعلاج آلام الظهر

منظار القناة العصبية العجزية هو إجراء طبي متقدم يُستخدم لتشخيص وعلاج مشكلات القناة العصبية في منطقة القناة العصبية للفقرات العجزية يتم خلال هذا الإجراء إدخال منظار صغير من خلال ابره دقيقه سمكها لا يتعدي نصف مل إلى القناة العصبية العجزية يتيح المنظار للطبيب رؤية واضحة للحالة الداخلية للقناة العصبية مما يساعد في تحديد مشكلات مثل ضيق القناة يعد هذا الإجراء أقل تدخلاً مقارنة بالعمليات الجراحية التقليدية ويهدف إلى تخفيف الأعراض مثل الألم والتنميل  باستخدام واحدة من افضل التقنيات الحديثة في مركز د. محمد قورة تقنية منظار القناة العصبية العجزي.

تعد عملية تسليك القناة العصبية بالمنظار إحدى الطرق المتقدمة لعلاج مشاكل القناة العصبية العجزية حيث يُستخدم في هذه العملية منظار القناة العصبية العجزية لتشخيص وعلاج حالات ضيق القناة العصبية التي قد تؤدي إلى أعراض غير مريحة مثل آلام الظهر والتخدير في الأطراف السفلية ومن أعراض ضيق القناة العصبية قد تشمل ألمًا حادًا في أسفل الظهر وتنميلًا في الفخذين وأحيانًا ضعفًا في العضلات عند حدوث التهاب المفصل العجزي الحرقفي قد يضاف إلى هذه الأعراض آلام في أسفل الظهر التي تمتد إلى الأرداف في بعض الحالات يمكن أن تؤدي الأعراض إلى صعوبة في الحركة والمشي.

تقدم عيادة الدكتور محمد قورة خدمات متخصصة في إجراء عملية تسليك القناة العصبية بالمنظار حيث يضمن الفريق الطبي استخدام أحدث التقنيات للتخفيف من الأعراض وتحسين جودة الحياة للمرضى بفضل الخبرة الواسعة والتقنيات الحديثة في عيادة الدكتور محمد قورة، يمكن للمرضى الحصول على العلاج الأمثل لمشاكل القناة العصبية العجزية واستعادة حياتهم الطبيعية بأسرع وقت ممكن.


In our time, back and spine pain has become widespread. Especially in the life of those who practice office work and sit daily in front of the computer, as the sitting positions are usually unhealthy and sound, which increases the severity of symptoms. And methods of treatment for these pains are either through physical therapy, or by taking an injection to relieve pain, or by non-surgical intervention or surgical operations.

Dr Mohamed Koura
Are all cases treatable with non-surgical solutions?

Certainly not, some cases must be treated surgically, and the most appropriate technique for the patient is determined through a medical examination and the presence of imaging studies.

Someone attend without a reservation?

No, it is necessary to make a reservation through a phone call or social media messages.

Are there any risks associated with pain treatment?

There are no risks or side effects associated with non-surgical pain interventions.

How long is the required stay in Egypt for a non-surgical intervention? (for foreign patients)

The patient needs only 3 to 4 days before they can travel comfortably, and the hospital stay does not exceed 6 to 8 hours.

Can a condition be diagnosed without imaging or a medical examination?

A condition cannot be accurately assessed and a proper medical diagnosis made without a medical examination and recent imaging studies.

Can reservations and payments be made via Visa before attending?

Yes, there are several payment methods available through Visa or electronic wallets by making a reservation on our website.

Does obesity affect knee osteoarthritis?

Certainly, obesity is one of the causes of knee osteoarthritis.

Does radiofrequency cause nerve damage?

Radiofrequency activates the nerve and does not cause any damage to it.

Are non-surgical interventions a definitive treatment for spinal and joint diseases?

Non-surgical interventions are a definitive treatment for some cases and pain relievers for other cases, which is determined by the doctor through a medical examination.

Can a herniated disc reoccur after a medical procedure?

If the herniated disc is fully treated, there is a possibility of it reoccurring in some cases, such as not following the doctor's prescribed instructions after the intervention, experiencing an accident, or making a sudden wrong movement like lifting heavy objects.

Is the entire disc will be removed?

The entire disc is not removed due to the presence of several risks and it may exacerbate the condition. Only the protruding part that causes pain is removed.

Can radiofrequency remove a herniated disc?

This cannot be done with radiofrequency, but it is performed through other techniques that Dr. Koura conducts.

Can the success or failure of non-surgical intervention be judged by post-intervention radiographic imaging?

The success or failure of non-surgical interventions cannot be judged through radiographic imaging because these procedures involve making subtle changes to critical parts to address the issue. Consequently, they do not produce significant changes to avoid potential complications in the future or damage to the spine and joints, which is our primary goal.

Does spinal stenosis cause sciatica?

Spinal stenosis does not typically cause sciatica. In most cases, disc herniation is what may lead to sciatica. This does not necessarily mean that a patient with sciatica will also have spinal stenosis.

Does sciatica return after thermal ablation?

Sciatica may return if the patient does not adhere to the medical instructions provided by the doctor or in the event of an unexpected accident.

A life without pain without surgery

Once you book with Dr. Koura

Get rid of pain with just one call.. Book your appointment now with pain Management consultant Dr. Koura.

The highest success rates thanks to years of experience and scientific development

Using the latest non-surgical technologies available in Egypt and the Middle East

The largest team specialized in treating spine and joint pain without surgery